Special Offers applies to newly created subscriptions after September 1, 2022
and applies to the monthly add-on fees for Audience Pro or Email Pro, only.
The discount does not apply to the Easy Shopper fees or other monthly
add-on fees (i.e. Video Pro). This discount will only apply during the months
of service applicable to the Special Offer and cannot be combined with other offers.
When your Special Offer expires, subscription fees will be $99.00 per month,
plus $25.00 per month for Audience Pro, $25.00 per month for Email Pro, and
$150.00 per month for Video Pro, if applicable. You can upgrade, downgrade or
cancel your subscription at least 10 days before the close of month 2, 3, or 4,
depending on your subscribed Special Offer. ImpactWare reserves the right to
update Special Offers at any time.
Let us help you find the right bundle.
Not sure which offer is best for your dealership?
We’ll be happy to chat through all the benefits with you.
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